I'm still trying to digest what happened in Amona. I am repelled by the extremists among the opponents. I am disgusted by the anarchists who have sprouted amidst the Jews here. (Will they please stop calling them settlers? Many are from Pre-1967 Israel. ) I'm at a loss as far as the vicious, brutal treatment of the demonstrators is concerned. [One of the Sherut Leumi girls who works with my daughter had her chest beaten in and her rib broken. This girl couldn't pick up a block if she wanted to.] The press is cheering it on. Yes, the law should be enforced, equally. Yes, illegal building should be totally banned (including the 30,000 illegal Arab houses and the theft of thousands of dunamim of JNF Land in the Galil and the Negev). The President only has criticism of the demonstrators (who make up the lion's share of the wounded). The Acting Prime Minister's men have equated the residents of Judea and Samaria with Hamas. (Next thing they'll call them Al-Qaeda.)
I find myself speechless. I am seeking solace in the eleventh century Rhineland. You know, in the crusade era. It's what Irving Agus called the Heroic Age of Franco-German Jewry. I can deal with that. I can write about that. At the moment, all I can do about Amona is to quote other people's words.
At the moment, I am finding comfort in David HaMelech's words..