Thursday, January 08, 2009

מהרסייך ומחריבך ממך ייצאו

The extraordinary determination and heroism of the Jews of Israel only heighten the dastardly and vile behaviour of our ostensible coreligionists, both here and abroad.

1) The unholy trinity, Amos Oz, David Grossman and A. B. Yehoshua all have called for an immediate ceasefire and retreat of the army from Gaza. I don't know who appointed these puffed up, mediocre intellectuals as the national conscience. I only know that their opinions are neither desired nor appreciated by anyone who lives five meteres from Schocken Street in Tel Aviv. [Never mind about Shulamit Aloni, who never met a terrorist she didn't like or a patriotic Jew she didn't loathe.]

2) Yonatan Shapira, former pilot and the subject of one of my favorite songs, is busy accusing Israel of war crimes and genocide against the Palestinians, in every anti-Israel venue he can find.

3) Sitting safe and satisfied in New York and Washington DC, while the residents of the South are in shelters, the bleeding hearts of Americans for Peace Now, Brit Zedek ve-Shalom, Israel Policy Forum and the already nefarious 'J Street' lobby are trying to undermine our legitimate efforts to stop Hamas and provide security for our people. Their close ties to Obama do not bode well.

And the list goes on.....

The above cited verse (Is. 49, 17) bears two interpretations:

Your destroyers will come from your midst.

Your destroyers will depart from your midst.

As the first was fulfilled, so may it be God's will to fulfill the second.



  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    grossman writes good books. no one claims he is an intellectual.
    grossmans son died al kiddush hashem in lebanon 2. some perspective, please. he loves this country in ways that few are forced to, thank god. can we complicate this picture, make it something other than so black and white?
    and he live a good deal more than 5 meters from shenkin -- in mivaseret ylem.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    correction: mivaseret tzion.

  3. I am very much aware that David Grossman is a bereaved father. I am sure, though, that he would take umbrage at the idea that he died al Kiddush HaShem. Indeed, the lesson he derived from his son's death is to categorically oppose any military action by Israel,to besmirch his country in favor of its enemies, and to intensify his pacifistic exhortations in the face of ever more militant Islam.

    Whether he sees himself as anything more than a story teller, the post-modern eelites have appointed him as one of its prophets and in that role he does tremendous damage to us, both at home and abroad.
