Sunday, September 23, 2007

After Yom Kippur

A quick glance at my dates and my sitemeter tells me that it's been too long since I posted. So much to write and so little time....

In the interim, as I collect my thoughts, I want to send everyone to a very insightful posting at QED, about a long lost (and sore needed) rabbinic voice: Rav Shlomo Goren זצ"ל. Too many people think of him in political terms, unaware that he was a great Talmid Hakham, who possessed a quality unknown in the contemporary rabbinate: Fearless Courage.

Absolutely Required Reading.


Anonymous said...

Nu, so where is the bio on him

Anonymous said...

That's exactly the point of the post - there IS no authoritative bio or even partial study (with the exception of Dr. Edrei's articles). The post is a throwing down of the gauntlet to someone who will do the work on Rav Goren - perhaps you're it?

Anonymous said...

fearless...sometimes a bit TOO fearless...