It is with much sadness and a deep and abiding sense of personal loss, that I heard of the passing this morning of Mrs. Erica (Rivka) Jesselson nee Papenheim, wife and life's partner of Mr. Ludwig Jesselson ז"ל.
I have had the זכות of knowing, and being close to, many outstanding and legendary leaders and teachers of our people. The Jesselson's, though, were in a class all by themselves when it came to vision, moral values, commitment to the Torah, the Jewish People and to the State of Israel, and absolute and unwavering love and devotion to their families and friends. Their legendary philanthropy, in its massive scope and unparalleled צניעות, was the natural expression of who they were and all in which they believed.
The news is too fresh to express all the feelings that are welling up in my heart at this moment.
For now, all I want to say is 'Thank you, Mrs. J' for your friendship, your affection and for making me and my family, a part of your life.
תהי נשמתה צרורה בצרור החיים ותהי מנוחתה כבוד.
עד ביאת הגואל, אמן.
Pappenheim...Jesselson. These names sound like names of Jewish aristocracy from the 19th century and earlier. Do you know the family background? It would be really interesting to know.
Erica Jesselson was aristocracy in the finest of terms. A brilliant woman in this world and of this world. Consistantly unquestionably meritorous in world arenas. Heart that lacked dimensions or boundaries. Her enthusiasm of life, her laugh, her wit. The pleasure of attending a family Purim Holiday. The cooking of the family New Year. The special smell of the brisket or the whole egg placed in the Barley Soup as it cooked and who was the chosen to get one of them. All these fine memories I have that immediately surfaced when I read of her passing.
Mostly the quiet conversations shared when a shoulder was acting up, I as her nurse would help comfort her into a peaceful slumber. Just to wake again resume her part in this world , which touched so very many.
An astonishing woman. poius to her worldly mission..Life..past, present and future and for all.
Mrs. Jesselson has proven a genuine benevolent mortal can earn immortality.
Which she certainly has..
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