Thursday, November 30, 2006

Well Said, Sarah

Chayyei Sarah has beautifully expressed the one-dimensionality of contemporary Religious Zionism.


Ben Bayit said...

WADR to her, if RZ were to become MORE about religion, it would mean MORE sepratist communities, not less. The weakest sectors of RZ are what someone at a recent conference called "the shuls closed on weekday Religious Zionists between Hadera and Gedera". The "austritt" communities of RZ are the only hope for rational modern orthodox religious zionism to survive the nihilistic onsluaght of secular zionism without turning into stone-age charedim. That's why we live in them and send our kids to the schools in them. kiruv rechokim is nice, but no one wants to sacrifice their kids on its altar.

Jeffrey R. Woolf said...

I couldn't disagree with you more.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the link and the kudos. I invite you to come over to my blog and explain your position, since I'm getting slammed in the comments, having obviously pissed off a lot of people, and have neither the time nor the inclination to respond to them all. Shabbat starts in 2 hours and I'm busy cooking.

Jeffrey R. Woolf said...

I've just posted my response.I'll try tolink it in your comments.